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Direct collect parameters

The following system parameters can (or must) be used in the mapping to create a valid direct collect request:

- = not allowed (must be left empty)
X = mandatory
O = mandatory with rules

*DirectCollectContractThe name of the contract that must be used for this requestString (name of the contract)x
*ContractNumberThe number of the direct collect contract under which it is known at the direct collectorStringxThis is mostly the reference under which the mandate is created, i.e. the mandate number
*OrderIdThe unique number for this direct collect for this customerStringx
*DescriptionA description (the reason) for this direct collectStringxFor instance: monthly rent for September
*CurrencyCodeThe currency of the amountXXX (i.e. EUR, USD)If empty: entity currency is used
*AmountThe total amount to payDecimal (xx,xx or xx.xx)x
*CollectDateThe date when the amount must be collectedDateIf empty: the amount is collected immediately (within 24 hours)
The next items are only necessary if you want the system to create a payment link automatically when the direct collect fails because of an error or when the customer started a reverse charge to return the collected amount.
*CreatePaymentOnFailureUsed to indicate if a payment link must be created after a reversed charge or an errortrue/falseDefault: false
*PaymentMethodCodesA list of allowed payment method codes for this payment, separated with #. See further chapter Payment method codes for a list of allowed codes<CODE1>#<CODE2>#... Ie: IDEAL#VISA#MASTERCARD#BANCONTACTIf empty: the default enabled payment methods on entity level are used. Only payment methods that are enabled on entity level can be supplied.
*PspPaymentMethodThe payment method that was used on a successful payment at the PSP (ie: iDEAL, VISA, etc.)   
*PspPaymentMethodCodeThe code of the payment method that was used for a successful payment at the PSP (ie: IDEAL, VISA, etc.)
*ExpirationDateTimeThe moment when a payment expires. If left empty, the default expiration is calculated using the info on the 'Payment info' tab of the entity settingsDateEither the parameter *ExpirationDateTime or *RelativeExpirationHours can be entered. If both left empty, the default expiration date is calculated based on the date that the payment is created after the reverse charge occurred. 
*RelativeExpirationHoursThe amount of hours AFTER the payment has been created that indicates when a payment expires. If left empty, the default expiration is calculated using the info on the 'Payment info' tab of the entity settingsNumberEither the parameter *ExpirationDateTime or *RelativeExpirationHours can be entered. If both left empty, the default expiration date is calculated based on the date that the payment is created after the reverse charge occurred. 
*LanguageCodeThe payment languagexx-XX (ie: en-US)If empty: entity language is used
*GenderGender of the clientChar (M, F or U)If empty: U (unknown) is used
*FirstNameThe first name of the clientStringx
*LastNameThe last name of the clientStringx
*CompanyNameCompany nameString
*MailAddressMail addressString (xx@xx.xx)oOnly mandatory when SendType is mail
*MailAddressesCCMail address(es) in the CC (; separated)String (xx@xx.xx); (yy@yy.yy)oOnly interesting when SendType is mail
*PhoneNumber(Mobile) phone numberStringoOnly mandatory when SendType is sms
*SendTypeIndicates via what medium a payment link must be sentmail, sms or nosendOnly mandatory when CreatePaymentOnFailure is true
*MailTemplateThe name of the mail template that must be used (when *SendType is mail)String (name of  the mail template)If empty and *SendType is mail: the default mail template is used
*MessageTemplateThe name of the message template that must be used (when *SendType is sms)String (name of the message template)If empty and *SendType is sms: default message template is used
*AcceptUrlThe URL to which the customer is directed after a successful transaction.Available to automated external calls when creating a direct collect.
*DeclineUrlThe URL to which the customer is directed after a rejected transaction.Available to automated external calls when creating a direct collect.
*ErrorUrlThe URL to which the customer is directed when an error occurs.Available to automated external calls when creating a direct collect.
*FailUrl The URL to which the customer is directed when the transaction failed or the user clicked on 'cancel'.Available to automated external calls when creating a direct collect.
*HomeUrlThe URL to which the customer is directed when he clicks on 'home'.Available to automated external calls when creating a direct collect.
Date updated: 2022-03-28
Trust Guard