U bent hier:

Find payments based on (a part of) an Order-ID

entityKeyThe key of the entity for which the search takes place Yes
orderIdThe (part of) the order id for which payments are searchedYes (minimal 5 characters)
exactSearchTrue = Find the EXACT order id (default)
False = Find an order id containing the submitted value 

No (default = True)

getChildPaymentsTooTrue = Also search in payments of which this entity is the 'parent' entity
False = Search only within this specific entity
No (default = False)
getPspPaymentsTrue = Also return  the PSP payments of the payments found
False = Do not return the PSP payments
No (default = False)
getApiParametersTrue = Also return the API parameters of the payments found
False = Do not the API parameters
No (default = False)
dateFromThe creation date based on which the search has to start
Format: 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm'
No (default = 6 months back)
dateToThe creation date on which the search ends
Format: 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm' (max. 6 months after dateFrom')
No (default = 'now')

This call will return all payments only for the account with the entity key ‘8f9e8dad-530a-4dd7-9e95-a865f1fb5994’ that contain the value ‘12345’ in the order id:

Date updated: 2021-03-09
Trust Guard