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Variables and functions

The following variables and functions are available for mails, screen texts, callbacks and/or mappings:

[*Abs()] Get the absolute value of a decimal (ie: [*Abs(-125)] returns: 125)
[*AcceptUrl] The URL to which the customer is directed after a successful transaction
[*AddDays(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some days (ie: [*AddDays(12-09-1975, 5)] returns: 17-09-1975)
[*AddHours(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some hours (ie: [*AddHours(12-09-1975 16:20, 2)] returns: 12-09-2015 18:20)
[*AddMinutes(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some minutes (ie: [*AddMinutes(12-09-1975 16:20, 50)] returns: 12-09-2015 17:10)
[*AddMonths(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some months (ie: [*AddMonths(12-09-1975, -2)] returns: 12-07-1975)
[*AddSeconds(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some seconds (ie: [*AddSeconds(12-09-1975 16:20, 120)] returns: 12-09-2015 16:22)
[*AddYears(, )] Get the supplied date value and add some years (ie: [*AddYears(12-09-1975, 40)] returns: 12-09-2015)
[*Amount] The amount that must be paid
[*AmountDue] The amount due (remaining amount of the total payment)
[*AmountDueNumber] The amount due as number using the entity language code (ie: 73.25)
[*AmountDueText] The amount due as text including the currency symbol using the entity language code (ie: ? 73,25)
[*AmountNumber] The amount as number using the entity language code (ie: 128.50)
[*AmountText] The amount as text including the currency symbol using the entity language code (ie: ? 128,50)
[*AttachmentUrl] A url that points to an file that will be attached to a payment mail when it is sent.
[*AttachmentUrl2] If multiple attachments must be included, a second attachment can be added with this url.
[*AttachmentUrl3] If multiple attachments must be included, a third attachment can be added with this url.
[*AttachmentUrl4] If multiple attachments must be included, a fourth attachment can be added with this url.
[*AttachmentUrl5] If multiple attachments must be included, a fifth attachment can be added with this url.
[*Bc] Get a bracket close value: ]
[*Bo] Get a bracket open value: [
[*Calculate()] Perform a calculation and return the result (ie: [*Calculate(2 * 4 + 5)] returns: 13)
[*CalculateHash(, , , )] Calculates a hash value using the supplied password and values concatenated (ie: [*CalculateHash(SHA512, P@ssw0rd, myFirstValue, otherValue)])
[*CalculateOxynadeSignature(, )] Calculates the signature using to the Oxynade Self Service Portal calculation
[*CallbackDetailedMessage] A detailed message if available (ie: 'Insufficient funds (AM04)')
[*CallbackMessage()] The readable status message of the item in the supplied language (ie: 'The payment is aborted' or 'The mandate is successfully signed
[*CallbackMessage] The readable status message of the item (ie: 'The payment is aborted' or 'The payment is successfully paid
[*CallbackType] The technical status message of the payment (possible values are: MailNotDelivered, Expired, Aborted, Reminder, Declined, Success, PaymentError or SendError)
[*City] The city of the address
[*ClientGender] The gender of the client. Accepted values are: M (for male), F (for female) or U (for unknown, this is the default).
[*ClientGenderText] The gender of the client translated to the right salutation in the specified language (ie: 'mr.', 'mrs.', 'mr./mrs.')
[*ClientMailAddress] The mail address of the client (mandatory if a mail must be sent)
[*ClientName] The full name of the client
[*ClientPhoneNumber] The phone number of the cient (mobile number is mandatory if an sms must be sent)
[*Comma] Get a comma value
[*CompanyName] The company name of the client
[*CompanyNumber] The company number of the client
[*ContactName] The name that must be used as contact setting instead of the entity name
[*ContactMailAddress] The e-mail address to be used with contact details instead of the entity e-mail address
[*ContactPhoneNumber] The telephone number to be used with contact details instead of the entity telephone number
[*ContactAddressStreet] The street of the address to be used with contact information instead of the street of the entity
[*ContactAddressNumber] The house number of the address to be used with contact details instead of the house number of the entity
[*ContactAddressExtraAddressLine] The extra address line of the address to be used with contact information instead of the extra address line of the entity
[*ContactAddressZipCode] The zip code of the address to be used with contact details instead of the zip code of the entity
[*ContactAddressCity] The city of the address to be used with contact information instead of the city of the entity
[*ContactAddressCountry] The country of the address to be used with contact details instead of the country of the entity
[*Country] The country name of the address
[*CreatePaymentOnFailure] Set this value to 'true' to create a payment link when the direct collect fails (default is 'false')
[*CurrencyCode] The ISO currency code for the amount of this payment (ie: EUR, USD, etc.)
[*CurrencySymbol] The currency symbol of this payment (ie: ?, $, etc.)
[*CurrentDate] Get the current date, using the language code of the payment (ie: '18-08-2016' for a 'Dutch' language)
[*CurrentDateTime] Get the current date and time, using the language code of the payment (ie: '18-08-2016, 13:35' for a 'Dutch' language
[*CurrentPartialPaymentNumber] In case of a partial payment; the number of the current partial payment
[*CurrentTime] Get the current time, using the language code of the payment (ie: '1:35 PM' for an 'English' language)
[*DateNow] Get the date of this exact moment
[*DateOnly()] Get the date only of the supplied date using the entity language code (ie: [*DateOnly(1975-09-12 16:20)] returns 12-09-1975 when the language code is Dutch)
[*DateOnly(, )] Get the date only of the supplied date using the supplied language code (ie: [*DateOnly(12-09-1975 16:20, en-US)] returns 12-09-1975 because the language code is English)
[*DateTime()] Convert the given to a valid date time value using the entity language code (ie: [*DateTime(1975-09-12 16:20)] returns a date for the 12th of september 1975 at 4:20pm when the language is set to Dutch)
[*DateTime(, )] Convert the given to a valid date time value using the entity language code (ie: [*DateTime(09-12-1975 6:20 pm, en-US)] returns a date for the 12th of september 1975 at 4:20pm because the language is set to English)
[*Day()] Get the day of the supplied value (ie: [*Day(12-09-1975)] returns: 12
[*Decimal()] Convert a supplied value to a decimal number using the language code of the entity (ie: [*Decimal(1000.50)] returns a decimal 1000.50 when the language is English)
[*Decimal(, )] Convert a supplied value to a decimal number using the supplied language code (ie: [*Decimal(1000.50, en-US)] returns a decimal 1000.50 because the language is set to English)
[*DeclineUrl] The URL to which the customer is directed after a rejected transaction
[*DirectConfirm] Set this value to 'true' to directly set the payment to 'confirmed' (default is 'false')
[*DirectlyToPsp] Go directly to the psp when only one payment method is selected
[*Description] A description of the payment (ie: hotel reservation on saturday)
[*EntityAdditionalImage] The url to the additional image of the entity
[*EntityBackgroundColor] The background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityBodyColor] The background color of the body for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityBodyTextColor] The body text color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityButtonBorderColor] The button border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityButtonColor] The button color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityButtonTextColor] The button text color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityDepartment] The name of the department of the entity
[*EntityDisplayName] The display name of the entity
[*EntityEnableFullWidthScreenHeader] Returns 'True' if the full width screen header is enabled, otherwise 'False' is returned
[*EntityEnableFullWidthMailHeader] Returns 'True' if the full width mail header is enabled, otherwise 'False' is returned
[*EntityExpiredBackgroundColor] The expired box background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityExpiredBorderColor] The expired box border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityExpiredFontColor] The expired box font color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityFontFamily] The font family for this entity
[*EntityFontSize] The font size for this entity
[*EntityFooterBorderColor] The selected footer border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityFooterColor] The footer background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityFooterTextColor] The footer text color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityHeaderBorderColor] The header border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityHeaderColor] The header background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityLinkColor] The link color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityMailAddress] The main mail address of the entity
[*EntityMailHeaderImage] The url to the mail header image of the entity
[*EntityMailTemplateFile] The url to the mail template file of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressCity] The city of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressCountry] The country of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressExtraAddressLine] The extra address line of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressNumber] The street number of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressState] The city of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressStreet] The street of the main address of the entity
[*EntityMainAddressZipCode] The zip code of the main address of the entity
[*EntityName] The contract name of the entity
[*EntityPhoneNumber] The main phone number of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressCity] The city of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressCountry] The country of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressExtraAddressLine] The extra address line of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressNumber] The street number of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressState] The city of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressStreet] The street of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityPostalAddressZipCode] The zip code of the postal address of the entity
[*EntityReminderBackgroundColor] The reminder box background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityReminderBorderColor] The reminder box border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityReminderFontColor] The reminder box font color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityScreenHeaderImage] The url to the screen header image of the entity
[*EntitySuccessBackgroundColor] The success box background color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntitySuccessBorderColor] The success box border color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntitySuccessFontColor] The success box font color for this entity in #0099FF form
[*EntityWebsite] The url to the website of the entity
[*ErrorUrl] The URL to which the customer is directed when an error occurs
[*ExpirationDate] The expiration date of the payment
[*ExpirationDateTime] The moment when a payment expires. If left empty, the default expiration is calculated using the info on the 'Payment info' tab of the entity settings.
[*ExpirationTime] The expiration time of the payment
[*FailUrl] The URL to which the customer is directed when the transaction failed or the user clicked on 'cancel
[*FirstName] The first name of the client
[*FormatDateTime(, )] Formats the supplied date using the specified format and the entity language code (ie: [*FormatDateTime(1975-09-12 16:20, MMMM)] returns: September when the language code is English)
[*FormatDateTime(, , )] Formats the supplied date using the specified format and the supplied language code (ie: [*FormatDateTime(1975-09-12 16:20, dddd dd MMMM, nl-NL)] returns vrijdag 12 september)
[*FormatDecimal(, )] Format a supplied decimal value to a text in the supplied language code (ie: [*FormatDecimal(1000.50, nl-NL)] returns: 1000,50 because the language is set to Dutch)
[*FormatDecimalText(, )] Format a supplied decimal value to a text with thousands separator and decimal seperator in the supplied language code (ie: [*FormatDecimalText(1005, nl-NL)] returns: 1.005,00 because the language is set to Dutch)
[*FreeAmountsAllowed] In case of a partial payment; 'true' if a free amount can be entered by the customer
[*Gender] The gender of the client. Accepted values are: M (for male), F (for female) or U (for unknown, this is the default).
[*GenderText] The gender of the client translated to the right salutation in the specified language (ie: 'mr.', 'mrs.', 'mr./mrs.')
[*GetParameterValue()] Get a value of a parameter, only if it exists! This prevents parsing errors from the system if a value is used that doesn't exist.
[*HomeUrl] The URL to which the customer is directed when he clicks on 'home
[*Hour()] Get the hours of the supplied value (ie: [*Hour(12-09-1975 16:20)] returns: 16)
[*HtmlEncode()] Encode the value so that it can be used in html (ie: [*HtmlEncode()] returns: <this & that>
[*If(, , )] Check a condition a return the value that applies to the outcome to the condition (ie: [*If(4>2,this is true,this is not true)] returns: this is true)
[*IssuerId] The id of the issuer that can be used in combination with ONE supplied payment method code # (ie: RABONL2U when payment method is iDeal)
[*LanguageCode] The ISO language code for this payment (ie: nl-NL, en-US, etc.)
[*LastExpirationDate] In case of a partial payment; the final expiration date
[*LastExpirationDateTime] In case of a partial payment; the final expiration date and time
[*LastExpirationTime] In case of a partial payment; the time of the final expiration date
[*LastName] The last name of the client
[*Left(, )] Get the left part of a specific text value, with a length of (ie: [*Left(testing, 3)] returns: tes)
[*Length()] Get the length of a specific text value (ie: [*Length(testing)] returns: 7)
[*LinkedOrderId] An existing order id that this payment will be linked to (ie: 19750911)
[*LongDateOnly()] Get a long date including the day and month names for the supplied date using the entity language code (ie: [*LongDateOnly(12-09-1975)] returns Vrijdag 12 september 1975 when the language code is Dutch)
[*LongDateOnly(, )] Get a long date including the day and month names for the supplied date using the supplied language code (ie: [*LongDateOnly(12-09-1975, nl-NL)] returns Vrijdag 12 september 1975 because the language code is Dutch)
[*LongTimeOnly()] Get a long time including the seconds and milliseconds for the supplied date using the entity language code (ie: [*LongDateOnly(12-09-1975 16:20)] returns 16:20:00.000 when the language code is Dutch)
[*LongTimeOnly(, )] Get a long time including the seconds and milliseconds for the supplied date using the supplied language code (ie: [*LongDateOnly(12-09-1975 16:20, en-US)] returns 16:20:00.000 because the language code is English)
[*MailAddress] The mail address of the client (mandatory if a mail must be sent)
[*MailAddressesCC] The mail address or mail addresses (seperated by ;) that should also receive this mail
[*MailTemplate] If a mail must be sent, then the name of the template can be supplied. If left empty, the default mail template for the supplied language code is used
[*MandateButton(The mandate link wrapped inside a button for use in HTML with a text (ie: [*MandateButton(Click me for authorization)]
[*MandateButton] The mandate button for use in HTML with a default text. Use the [*MandateButton(..)] function to set your own text, ie: [*MandateButton(Subscribe now)]
[*MandateContract] The name of the contract that must be used for this mandate
[*MandateKey] The unique id that identifies this mandate
[*MandateLink] The mandate link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*MandateLinkUrl] The url of the mandate link without HTML tags (ie: http://link)
[*MandateNumber] Optional, a unique order id for this mandate, mostly a number (ie: 19750912)
[*MandateProviderContractName] The name of contract of the mandate provider that was used for this mandate (ie: Consumer Mandate Account)
[*MandateProviderLink] The mandate provider link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*MandateProviderLinkUrl] Optional, the url of the mandate provider link (ie: http://link)
[*MandateProviderName] The name of the mandate provider that was used as set by the entity (ie: Main Twikey Account)
[*MandateProviderType] The mandate type that was used (ie: Twikey)
[*MessageTemplate] If a text message must be sent, then the name of the template can be supplied. If left empty, the default text message template for the supplied language code is used
[*Minute()] Get the minute of the supplied value (ie: [*Minute(12-09-1975 16:20)] returns: 20)
[*Month()] Get the month of the supplied value (ie: [*Month(12-09-1975)] returns: 9
[*NoMandateLink] Used to indicate that no mandate link is used
[*NoPayment] Used to indicate that no payment link is used
[*NoPaymentLink] Used to indicate that no payment link is used
[*Number] The address number
[*OrderId] A unique order id for this payment, mostly a number (ie: 19750912)
[*Origin] The way this payment was created (possible values are: Manually, Batch, Api, QR or Ftp)
[*OriginalMandateLink] The original (not shortened) mandate link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*OriginalMandateLinkUrl] The original (not shortened) url of the mandate link without HTML tags (ie: http://link)
[*OriginalPaymentLink] The original (not shortened) payment link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*OriginalPaymentLinkUrl] The original (not shortened) url of the payment link without HTML tags (ie: http://link)
[*ParameterExists()] Check if a parameter exists. This can be handy when you only want to use a value when it exists, depending on the mapping. This can be used with an [*If] condition.
[*PartialAmounts] If the payment must be paid in several parts, you can use the percentages to let the system calculate the partial amounts of each partial payment or enter them here, seperated with # and must sum up to the amount entered at *Amount (ie: when *Amount is 120,00 you can set this value to: 30#40,50#49,50)
[*PartialExpirationDates] If the payment must be paid in several parts, you can use the percentages to let the system calculate the expiration date of each partial or enter them here, seperated with # and the last date must be equal to the *ExpirationDateTime (ie: when *ExpirationDateTime is 1-3-2017 13:00 you can set this value to: 31-12-2016 13:00#31-1-2017 13:00#1-3-2017 13:00)
[*PartialFreeAmountsAllowed] When partial payments are set and this value is set to True, the customer can add a free amount between the curren partial amount and the total outstanding amount. If left empty this value is set to False.
[*PartialSendFirstPaymentLink] When partial payments are set and this value is set to True, first payment link will be sent by mail/sms. If False, the first mail/sms will NOT be sent.
[*PartialPaymentSchema] In case of a partial payment; a list of all the planned payments
[*PartialPercentageAmounts] If the payment must be paid in several parts, the percentages and/or amounts for each payment can be set here, seperated with # and must sum up to the amount entered at *Amount (ie: 150#50%#? indicates three partial payments for an amount of 150, 50% and the remaining amount by indicating ?)
[*PartialPercentages] If the payment must be paid in several parts, the percentages for each payment can be set here, seperated with # and must sum up to 100% (ie: 20#30#50 indicates three partial payments for 20%, 30% and 50%)
[*PartialTemplate] If the payment must be paid in several parts, a template can be used with the specified name
[*PartialWholeAmountAllowed] When partial payments are set and this value is set to True, the customer is also offered a choice to pay the total outstanding amount at once to skip all the ther partial payment. If left empty this value is set to False.
[*PartnerHeaderImage] The url to the header image of the partner, mostly a logo
[*PartnerName] The name of the selected parter
[*PartnerPortalUrl] The url to the portal of this partner (ie:
[*Payment] The payment link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*PaymentButton(The payment link wrapped inside a button for use in HTML with a text (ie: [*PaymentButton(Click me to pay)]
[*PaymentButton] The payment button for use in HTML with a default text. Use the [*PaymentButton(..)] function to set your own text, ie: [*PaymentButton(Pay me now!)]
[*PaymentKey] The unique id that identifies this payment
[*PaymentLink] The payment link for use in HTML (ie: http://link)
[*PaymentLinkUrl] The url of the payment link without HTML tags (ie: http://link)
[*PaymentMethod] The payment method that was used on a successful payment (ie: iDEAL, VISA, etc.)
[*PaymentMethodCode] The code of the payment method that was used for a successful payment (ie: IDEAL, VISA, etc.)
[*PaymentMethodCodes] A list of allowed payment method codes for this payment, seperated with # (ie: IDEAL#VISA#MASTERCARD#BANCONTACT)
[*PaymentMethodLogos] All the logo's of the payment methods that can be used for this payment
[*PhoneNumber] The phone number of the cient (mobile number is mandatory if an sms must be sent)
[*Pos(, )] Get the text from a specific value, starting at position , starting from 0 (ie: [*Pos(testing, 3)] returns: ting)
[*Pos(, , )] Get the text from a specific value, starting at position , starting from 0, with a lengt of (ie: [*Pos(testing, 3, 2)] returns: ti)
[*PspCardNumber] The (part of the) card number or bank account number that was used for this payment
[*PspName] The name of the psp that was used as set by the entity (ie: Main Molly Account)
[*PspOrderId] The order id that was given to this payment by the psp
[*PspOrderReference] The order id that was given to this payment by the entity when starting the payment
[*PspTransactionId] The (technical) transaction id that was used by the psp to follow the payment
[*PspType] The psp type that was used (ie: Ingenico, Mollie, Buckaroo, Adyen, etc.)
[*Quote] Get a quote value
[*RelativeExpirationHours] The amount of hours AFTER the payment has been sent that indicates when a payment expires. If left empty, the default expiration is calculated using the info on the 'Payment info' tab of the entity settings.
[*RemainingPartialPaymentSchema] In case of a partial payment; a list of all the remaining planned payments
[*Replace(, , )] Replace the value inside a string with a new value (ie: [*Replace(testing, st, mpt)] returns: tempting)
[*Right(, )] Get the right part of a specific text value, with a length of (ie: [*Right(testing, 3)] returns: ing)
[*Round(, )] Round a decimal value properly to the supplied decimals (ie: [*Round(784.2587, 2)] returns: 784.26)
[*Second()] Get the second of the supplied value (ie: [*Second(12-09-1975 16:20)] returns: 0)
[*SendDateTime] The date and time of the moment when the payment must be sent out. If left empty, the payment is sent directly
[*SendType] Indicates how the client will receive a request to pay. Accepted values are: mail (if a mail must be sent), sms (if an sms must be sent) or nosend (if nothing must be sent)
[*ShortenedUrl] The (shortened) url, obtained before, that will link to this item after it has been created (if empty, the system will create a shortened link)
[*Status] The current status of the item (ie: Link is clicked)
[*StatusCode] The current status code of the item (ie: Clicked)
[*StopProcessing] Stops the processing of values, only allowed in entity mappings as output value
[*Street] The street name
[*TimeOnly()] Get the time only of the supplied date using the entity language code (ie: [*DateOnly(1975-09-12 16:20)] returns 16:20 when the language code is Dutch)
[*TimeOnly(, )] Get the date only of the supplied date using the supplied language code (ie: [*DateOnly(12-09-1975 16:20, en-US)] returns 4:20 PM because the language code is English)
[*TotalAmount] In case of a partial payment; the total amount that must be paid
[*TotalAmountNumber] In case of a partial payment; the total amount as number using the entity language code (ie: 128.50)
[*TotalAmountText] In case of a partial payment; the total amount as text including the currency symbol using the entity language code (ie: ? 128,50)
[*TotalPartialPayments] In case of a partial payment; the total number of partial payments
[*Trim()] Trim the leading and trailing spaces of a string
[*UniqueId] Get a unique value (ie: 85dd4403)
[*UrlEncode()] Encode the value so that it can be used in a url (ie: [*UrlEncode(you & me together)] returns: you%20%26%20me%20together)
[*UserFirstName] The first name of the user that created the item (if created manually)
[*UserLastName] The last name of the user that created the item (if created manually)
[*Username] The full name of the user that created the item (if created manually)
[*UserMailAddress] The mail address of the user that created the item (if created manually)
[*UserPhoneNumber] The phone number of the user that created the item (if created manually)
[*VariableAmounts] Variable amounts that can be chosen by the user (ie: if the user can choose between 5 or 10 or a range between 5 and 15 then the value would be: 5#10#range:5:15
[*WeekDay()] Get the day of the week for the supplied date (ie: [*WeekDay(12-09-1975)] returns: Friday)
[*WeekDayNumber()] Get the day of the week for supplied value (Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7, ie: [*WeekDayNumber(12-09-1975)] returns: 5 because it is a Friday)
[*WholeAmountAllowed] In case of a partial payment; 'true' if the (remaining) amount can be paid in whole by the customer
[*Year()] Get the year of the supplied value (ie: [*Year(12-09-1975)] returns: 1975
[*ZipCode] The zip code of the address
Date updated: 2019-12-18
Trust Guard