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Field nameDescription
Payment method(s) Shows the enabled payment methods. You can indicate which payment methods you want to activate and if these should be preselected.
Enabled currencies Shows the enabled currencies.
Currencies selectable Shows the possibility to change currency in case of the creation of a manual payment.
Default currency Show which currency has been selected as default.
Default send typeShows which send option is selected by default. 
Variable amountsWhen variable amounts are used, you can configure which optional amounts will be shown. 
Payment text editable Yes or no, this option will show if the email template is editable before sending it (Only for manual creation).
Allowed IP addresses Shows from which IP-address it is allowed to create a payment request.
Default expires Shows link validity. This default will always be overruled by the creation of the payment. 
Default reminder(s) Defines delay for reminder mail. Indicate number of hours before a link expires or number of hours after the link has been sent.
Send "expired" mail Option to send an expired email to your customers? Yes or No.
Send "success" mail Option to send a success email to your customers? Yes or No.
Allow retry after decline A transaction will sometimes return a decline, for example someone has insufficient funds to make the transaction. You can select here if your costumer can keep trying to complete the payment while the link is still valid or if the decline is a full stop. 
Payment callback(s)

You can configure how we will update you on the status change of the transaction. You can choose Mail, API(GET/POST/PUT), RezExchange or to a (s-)FTP-server. 

Next you can choose when we will update you. Choose: On link not delivered, On send error, On reminder sent, On expired, On payment declined/refused, On success, On aborted, On error.

Trust Guard