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Create mandate


Field nameDescription
Contract Select the mandate contract. The mandate will be saved under the selected contract.
Description Additional information on the mandate.
Mandate number Optional, you can decide on a mandate number or let the MSP create one for you.
Send Choice between: Email, SMS or Do not send. Do not send will show the created URL and a QR code.
Amount The amount that will be charged.
Client name Name of the client.
Company info Name of the company.
Gender Gender of the client.
Send date The date and time on which the payment link will be sent.
Mail address Email address of the client where the payment link must be sent to.
Expiration date Determines how long the payment link will be valid. Expired links will show the client the 'expired screen text'.
Phone number Mobile number in case sms is used to send the payment link.
Address info Address of the client.
Country The country where the customer is registered.
Info to send
Language Select the language for easy filtering of the available templates.
Template Select the template to be used.
CreateCommand to create the payment link and send the email/sms or show the short URL in a pop-up. After sending the email the agent will return at an empty screen ready for the next mandate.
Create & follow Command to send the email/sms and follow the process in a pop-up (refresh button). Often used in debt collection sector.
CancelCancel this page, return to the welcome page.
Keep me postedIf selected this option sends the user a notification whenever the status of the transaction changes.
Mail subject and body Preformatted text, which can be edited. If the fields are 'greyed out' then the text cannot be edited.
Trust Guard