U bent hier:

Callback to an FTP server

In some cases, a system requires a file to be placed on a specific location using an FTP server. This can performed by this callback method: 

FTP ServerThe host or IP address of the FTP server.
Port numberThe number of the port that must be used for this connection.21
UsernameThe name of the FTP user for this connection.Theftpuser
PasswordThe password of the FTP user for this connection.S3cr3tFTP
FolderThe name of the folder of the FTP server where a file must be created.PBL\PaymentCallback
FilenameThe name of the file that will be created. This can be a 'fixed' file name but also parameters or functions can be used, like [*UniqueId][*UniqueId].csv
HeaderThe first part of the body of the file.ref;amount;date;paymethod;status
BodyThe second part of the body of the file.[*OrderId]; [*Amount]; [*DateNow]; [PaymentMethod]; [*CallbackType]
FooterThe third and last part of the body of the file.

Combined, the example values will return in a file with a unique number that will be placed in the folder PBL\PaymentCallBack and with the contents:


Date updated: 2019-06-12
Trust Guard